The East of Scotland Strut is a regional branch of the Light Aircraft Association. Our “territory” is broadly Lothians, Fife and the Borders. We have about 30 members – all of whom are keen aviation enthusiasts, and many have built or are now building their own aircraft.
The Strut is organised as a self-supporting group under the LAA umbrella and elects its own officers at its AGM each February. There is a small annual subscription – this is in addition to the cost of membership of the LAA.
If you are thinking of building, buying, flying and/or maintaining a homebuilt aircraft yourself – or are just generally enthusiastic about aviation, we would be glad to hear from you.
The Strut is organised as a self-supporting group under the LAA umbrella and elects its own officers at its AGM each February. There is a small annual subscription – this is in addition to the cost of membership of the LAA.
If you are thinking of building, buying, flying and/or maintaining a homebuilt aircraft yourself – or are just generally enthusiastic about aviation, we would be glad to hear from you.
The Light Aircraft Association
The Association is a non-profit making organisation open to anyone interested in aviation. The Association is the representative body in the United Kingdom for amateur aircraft construction, recreational and sport flying.
It’s objectives are to promote and extend the sport of recreational flying by minimising its cost through the advice and services provided for:
Regular Meetings
September 2021 meeting is on Monday 13th. Strut members meet at 8pm on the first Monday of each month. We meet upstairs at the Harrow Hotel, Eskbank Road, Dalkeith. To check that a meeting is being held, contact our Co-ordinator: Iain Gibson Tel: 0131 339 2351 E-mail: [email protected] |
Chairman: Justin Kennedy
6 Cammo Walk, Edinburgh EH4 8AN Tel 0131 339 8304 or 07798 661 985 justin Co-ordinator and Secretary: Tim Rayner 3 Fowler Street, Tranent EH33 1BU Tel 0187 561 3352 or 0779 515 3392 [email protected] Treasurer and Membership Secretary: Duncan Robertson 17 Cramond Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 6PP Tel 0131 312 7857 [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Andrew Macleod 102 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh EH3 9PL Tel 0131 228 2774 andrew [email protected] Safety Officer: Steven Borthwick 73 Galbraith Crescent, Larbert, Falkirk FK5 4AZ Tel 07707 856 680 or 01324 555 056 [email protected] Committee Member without Portfolio: Ed Lyon 14 Craigielaw Park, Aberlady EH32 0PR Tel 01875 870 117 [email protected] LAA Inspector: Tim Rayner 3 Fowler Street, Tranent EH33 1BU Tel 0187 561 3352 or 0779 515 3392 [email protected] LAA Inspector: Robin Johnson Templehall, Midlem, Selkirk TD7 4QB Tel 01835 870 361 or 07836719350 [email protected] Website Design & Maintenance: Colin Lourie |
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